So, my first street fair under my belt and I'm still feeling a little over-whelmed by it all.  The people there were very friendly and receptive to my cupcakes!!!  Fantastic!  I met some really nice people and my over all thought of "those places" has changed....drastically.  I guess I really don't know the city I live nearby at all.  I'm extremely sheltered.  I have learned that I DO like to talk to random strangers.  I CAN put myself out there and walk away feeling good.  I WILL participate in this again.  Maybe I never had a clearly defined idea of "those places" before at all.  Or maybe I've just grown up some.  Everyone has a story. Everyone has something to offer. Everyone should enjoy good cupcakes! Oh, and to the food critic who ate one of my cupcakes...please be nice...I'm a little fragile.  

kim diamond
8/18/2012 06:34:41 am

You are doing a great job and it has been fun watching you grow and mature from afar. It is a long time since I meet you and you were just the little sis. Keep it up! It is nice to see you branching out and doing so many cool things! you are an inspiration!

8/18/2012 11:22:35 am

Aww thanks Kim! I think it's always been trapped inside somewhere...lol. That made my night btw!!!! Thanks so much for my first comment!! LOL Corny I know but atleast someone somewhere read my post...lol Keep tuned in...I'm trying to get something in the works you might be interested in :)


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