I have been completely swept up in the mix of things.  I have been working on some adorable outfits for customers.  True labors of love!  I can't believe Christmas is almost here and some of those adorable items will be included in friends, family, and complete stranger's festivities :)  Makes me smile!
I love snowmen decorations best.  I don't have a collection or anything but those are my favorite :)  Here is a sample of some snowman items I made recently....
Today's creation...not snow or Christmas related at all!!  But a very special birthday cake for a sweet little boy.  I'm not really great at free-handing but I thought I did a pretty good job on this one.  I hope things start to slow down some at my house.  In light of recent events...I really want to enjoy my kiddos more than I have recently.  They are after all my driving force to create and reason behind starting this little business :)  Sweet babies!!  Hoping to post some holiday pictures soon!!!!  Until then....
