First day of Preschool has arrived!  The Bug decided to wear her green apple clip today.  I love that she is so willing to wear my creations.  What an interesting year this will be.  I have a middle schooler (6th grader), 5th grader, 3rd grader and preK.  I'm shaking my head in disbelief as I typed "middle schooler".  Where did the time go?  I'm trying to stay distracted by creating stuff...but it's not helping 100%.  However, we had NO TEARS this year!  Score for mom!  My brave girls!  Bean starting a new school and not having her brothers to look after or be with her seemed to make her out of sorts yesterday morning.  Gasp!  She had to walk to the bus stop.  But she returned to me with all smiles.  As for the other 3, same teachers as last year so no anxiety to deal with.  They all went to school with confidence already knowing expectations and rules of their classrooms.  The beauty of looping up.  I hope everyone has a wonderful start to their school year!!!  